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Guita Movallali
Program & Development Manager

GUITA MOVALLALI, PhD. is a dedicated advocate and leader in the field of deaf and hard of hearing children's support and inclusion. With over 30 years of global experience, Guita has consistently made a positive impact in both academic and advocacy roles. With a Ph.D. in Psychology, an MSc in Audiology and two decades of experience in the academic sector, she has spearheaded successful initiatives aimed at supporting parents with deaf and hard of hearing children. Guita's commitment to bridging cultural gaps is reflected in her extensive work translating and editing 17 children's narratives and 33 books about deaf children and disability. Guita is the visionary behind Persian Cued Speech for deaf and hard of hearing children and adults, earning her the 2016 Educator Award for Excellence and Innovative Leadership from the National Cued Speech Association.

In 2021, Guita joined the Voice organization in Canada as the Early Years Director, where she initiated programs like Parent-Child Mother Goose program (P-CMGP) and Early Years Committee, showcasing her dedication to early intervention and community support. Her relentless advocacy led her to her current role as the Program & Development Manager at VOICE, where she continues to make a profound difference in the lives of deaf and hard of hearing children and their families. Guita's unwavering commitment to building empowering support networks and fostering meaningful relationships underscores her mission of creating a self-sustaining, empowered support network for Canadian Deaf families. Her multi-faceted contributions, from conference committee to social media content creation, fundraising, and grant writing, showcase her dedication to VOICE's mission of empowering the Deaf community. Guita joined VOICE's Board of Directors in 2020 and became its Program and Development Manager in 2023. 

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ERIN SPROULE has been an active member of VOICE since his first daughter was diagnosed with hearing loss in 2011. He was a member of the Halton Chapter Executive for several years before his partner took a Board position in 2019. In November 2022 Erin  was acclaimed as Chair of VOICE's Board of Directors.

Erin holds a Master's degree in Economics from Simon Fraser University, and currently works as an international tax advisor for Sun Life Financial. Prior to his current role he held similar positions at ArcelorMittal Dofasco and KPMG Canada.

Rick Barreiro
Vice Chair & Special Education Advisory Committee

    RICK BARREIRO has been a member of VOICE since 2010, joining the Board of Directors in November 2022. He is the parent of a child with hearing loss who is aided with cochlear implants. He has been a member of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) of the Halton Catholic District School Board since 2016 and is currently serving as the Vice Chair. He also volunteers occasionally at his child’s school.

    Rick has a B.Sc. in Geography from Wilfrid Laurier University and a certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from Sir Sandford Fleming College. He spent almost 20 years working in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) field, the majority of those with the City of Brampton. 

    He is an avid sports fan, and also enjoy travelling and reading. Rick hopes to make positive impacts and continue to advocate for children with hearing loss through his efforts at VOICE and SEAC.

    Karen MacIver-Lux
    Listening and Spoken Language Consultant


      KAREN MACIVER-LUX, M.A., Aud(C), Reg. CASLPO, LSLS Cert. AVT  was diagnosed with a bilateral mild (125 Hz) steeply sloping to profound (1000Hz) sensori-neural hearing loss at 3.11 years of age. The otolaryngologist told her parents that the diagnosis of hearing loss meant a lifetime of silence and lost opportunities in spoken communication. However, with the support of a young audiologist, speech-language pathologist, a teacher of the deaf and an auditory-verbal therapist, Karen's mother learned skills and techniques that helped Karen turn a grey world of silence into a colourful world of sound. Karen is now an audiologist, an LSLS certified auditory-verbal therapist, providing auditory learning services to individuals of all ages with hearing loss. She is a highly sought after speaker and makes significant contributions to the literature and professional education programs worldwide. Understanding first hand the profoundly significant impact that the effective and collaborative relationship between her parents and the above mentioned professionals had on her personal and professional life, Karen is passionate about sharing steps for achieving early, collaborative, evidenced based best practices worldwide and raising the bar for professional practice. Karen has been a member of VOICE's Board of Directors since 2020.

      Melanie Bortis

      MELANIE BORTIS has been a member of VOICE since 2012, joining the Board of Directors as Treasurer in January 2024. She was previously an executive member of one of the VOICE chapters for a few years. VOICE has been a tremendous help and support to Melanie's family. Her son has bilateral hearing loss since birth and wears hearing aids. The challenges the family faced were easier to deal with because of the support from VOICE and the many families that are a part of the organization.

      Melanie has a B.Comm from Laurentian University and has been working for TD Bank for 27 years. She has been a member of Toastmasters since 2017 and volunteers frequently at her church and her son's school. Melanie loves to travel and spend time with family. 

      Sunita Doobay
      Legal & Compliance Officer

      SUNITA DOOBAY is a tax partner at Blaney McMurtry LLP, a law-firm based in Toronto. She is a prolific writer and speaker. Her written work has been published by the Canadian Tax Foundation, Tax Notes International, the IBFD, the American Bar Association and CALU – INFO exchange. She is a co-author of the Annotated Partnership Act of Ontario published by Carswell, Thomson Reuters. She is a sessional lecturer at Queens Law School and has taught the taxation of trust and estates course, the trust law course and the taxation course. She has guest-lectured at the NYU Master in International Taxation Program  She is an active member of the American Bar Association, the International Fiscal Association and the Canadian Tax Foundation. She sits on the Practice Council of New York University Master in International Taxation Program. She sits on the drafting committee on Conflict of Laws in Trusts and Estates Act of the U.S. Uniform Law Commission as the ABA SIL section advisor. Her contribution to the law was recognized by the American Bar Foundation and she was elected a Fellow of the Foundation. She is a licensed member of the Ontario Bar and of the New York State Bar. 

      Sunita has had bilateral hearing loss since birth with an approximate loss of 60% on each side.

      Julia Johnson
      Director at Large

        JULIA JOHNSON is an Ottawa-based lawyer and mom to two boys. Her oldest son was diagnosed with bilateral mild-moderate sensorineural hearing loss at birth in 2021 and received his hearing aids at three-months old. Since then, Julia has become interested in advocating for deaf and hard-of-hearing children as well as building a community of parents. She is passionate about ensuring all children have access to language and communication, whether spoken, signed, or both. She joined the Board of Directors for VOICE in 2024.

        In her professional life, Julia works for an artificial intelligence company as in-house counsel, where she advises the company on commercial, privacy, and general corporate matters. Prior to that, Julia practiced law at LaBarge Weinstein LLP in Ottawa (2017-2022) and McCarthy Tetrault LLP in Toronto (2014-2017), specializing in technology licensing matters, privacy law, and intellectual property law. She advised transactional deal teams in corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions as a subject matter expert, leading due diligence reviews and contract negotiation relating to privacy compliance and intellectual property matters. She is a registered trademark agent in Canada and holds the IAPP's CIPP/C privacy professional certification. 

        In her spare time Julia loves golf and practicing her ASL.

        Fernanda Fraga
        Director at Large

          FERNANDA FRAGA Fernanda Fraga brings over 15 years of expertise in media and corporate communications. She holds a professional certificate in Healthcare Marketing and Communications, postgraduate degrees in Contemporary History and International Relations as well as Corporate Communications, and a BA in Journalism.

          Currently serving as Marketing Manager at KA Imaging, a role she has held for three years, Fernanda has been with the X-ray manufacturer for five years. Her background includes six years at a major TV network, where she honed her creative and technical skills as an Editor, Anchor, Reporter, and Producer. She has also held various corporate communications roles, consistently demonstrating her ability to craft impactful multi-platform messages and enhance corporate branding.

          After her daughter was diagnosed with hearing loss, she joined VOICE. As a board member, she leverages her marketing and communications expertise to help expand VOICE’s reach and impact.

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