Has your child recently been diagnosed with a hearing loss?
"Deaf children remind me of butterflies. At first, they are in deep silence in their cocoons, which they didn't choose themselves. Then, with passion and love, they emerge and fly in all different colors...”
Parenting is usually challenging, however, research shows that parenting a child with hearing loss is even much more stressful. The journey through your child's hearing loss starts from the moment of their early diagnosis.
More than 90% of children with hearing loss are born to hearing parents with no previous knowledge of hearing loss. At the same time, when they are emotionally vulnerable, parents of newly diagnosed children with hearing loss must make critical decisions about their child's communication system and education. This brings more stress to the family.
You are not alone!
VOICE for Children Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing has hundreds of families who are here for you!
Join our Facebook group
Or you can always contact Guita Movallali at guita@voicefordeafkids.com
Useful links:
Ontario Infant Hearing Program