Hey Everyone
We're so excited to be heading back on our
favourite farm tour. This is year number 5 that we're
visiting Andrews and they are so excited to have us
out AGAIN!
Last year we had an amazing turn out with over 40
voice friends! Let's make this another successful
event as we welcome all our VOICE families out
once again!
This is a great time for not only the little ones but for
the teens and adults too!
Tractor ride, hay bails, corn maze, haunted forest,
pumpkin picking, park, farm animals and more!
Bring your camera for tons of great fall pics!
Date: Oct 22, 2022
Time: 11:30-2:30ish
(Farm Tour begins at 12 sharpe so pls don't be late)
Where: Andrews Scenic Acres
9365 Tenth Side Rd
Milton, ON
L9T 2X9
Cost: small donation amount would be appreciated
RSVP by: Oct 18th with the # of guests in your
family. Email: lesleyhrbacek@hotmail.com
If your family has a costume you'd like to dress up and bring your camera for tons or great tall pics!
(We will all meet at 11:30-11:45am outside the
admissions gate so we can enter together for our
tour at 12)
We're excited to see everyone soon!